We all adore our possessions and take steps to safeguard Vehicle from harm or theft. Each of us has a strong protective instinct when it comes to automobiles. Despite the fact that high-end secured technology is available, many vehicles are stolen each year. However, many people have misconceptions about how car thieves operate. Here are three popular misconceptions regarding how today’s thieves get into locked cars.
Myth #1: Crooks Pick the Lock
There is a widespread misconception among the public that criminals gain access to vehicles by picking the car’s lock. As a result, individuals believe that having a keyless automobile Is a superior choice. There is, however, a lack of understanding about this legend. By definition, keyless access may be seen as more convenient for the drivers; but there are still several unknown facts involved in this assertion.
Picking a lock is a lengthy process, which is why criminals have developed various methods to get into a vehicle. Other techniques include:
- The window is smashed.
- Using specialized equipment to slide into place
- between the automobile door and the window
- Using advanced technology to get into the car.
- Using a wire hanger
Second, criminals’ methods for defeating car locks have evolved considerably over time. Criminals with sophisticated equipment and expertise now use transmitters to access the remote entry system to get inside the automobile. These robbers no longer need to unlock them manually.
The market has been taken over by the newest tools and technologies, which is resulting in criminals taking full advantage of it. As a result, to keep your automobile safe and secure, you should get help from an experienced Car Locksmith who can assist you in developing a car lock that will work for you.
Myth #2: Suspicious Equipment is Used by Crooks.
The remote entry systems have also been frequently used by a few crooks to get into cars that are locked, according to the news reports. To avoid the theft of their automobiles, several strategies were being circulated to help them. The following are two of the most important techniques:
- The critical fobs were wrapped in aluminum foil, which was expected to shatter the frequency.
- To avoid car theft, keep the keys at a safe distance.
However, now that the thieves do not need access to the key fob to steal a vehicle, they can easily smash through the lock. Without a doubt, one would be careless enough to drop keys on the doorstep when they aren’t there; however, an aluminum foil will never aid in the prevention of theft and is therefore a false assumption.
Car break-ins are possible in a variety of ways. This is why the adage “Prevention is better than cure” must be followed. To keep your cars safe and out of the hands of thieves, you’ll need good locks on them.
Myth #3: Most criminals try to break into vehicles
If you’ve ever had someone try to get into your vehicle without any attempt to steal it, you know that they don’t need to have such intentions. There might be a variety of reasons behind someone attempting to get into your automobile, including:
- When an individual is attempting to get into your automobile, it’s frequently because you’ve parked your vehicle in the middle of the road where he or she cannot get through.
- If your car’s parking lights are open and someone has noticed it, they may want to check to see if your vehicle is accessible so that you don’t get charged with theft.
In reality, most criminals do not leave behind any witnesses when they commit a crime. If you see someone attempting to get into your car with a hanger or a stick, he might be just trapped in an enclosed space where he has been locked outside the vehicle. As a result, before blaming someone for attempting to open the car as a thief, double-check it first and then draw your conclusion.
If you’re concerned that your automobile is under attack and want to safeguard it from thieves, it’s time to change the locks on your car and invest in intelligent locks. Contact Matrix Locksmith Toronto as soon as possible. The Locksmith specialists here will develop an unbreakable lock that will keep your automobile safe at all times.