Does your garage have a service door?

Everyone must take some precautionary measure to secure their Garage & property and loved ones, but everything is not equally protected. A garage can become a weak point that thieves capitalize on when they carry out burglaries.

People often don’t notice their garage because it is not considered part of the living area. When you park your car to protect it from the elements, you store holiday decorations and other items in there. In addition, some people use their garage as a workshop which leaves behind sawdust and scraps of wood on the ground. It is essential to check your garage for vulnerabilities, regardless of how it’s used.

If you answer yes, your garage door most likely has a latch. Do you always check to make sure it’s locked? People often neglect the safety of their garages because they provide an alternate entry point for the backyard. Thieves are more likely to enter your home through the entrance you use most frequently. Avoid leaving a spare key outside where it can be easily found – this will allow them to break in faster.

A quick, accessible escape route can be critical in the event of an emergency. To facilitate this, keep a key on the inside of your garage next to (or within) a deadbolt that is locked by someone outside of your home.   

You should lock any doors leading to the inside of your home. If you don’t have a strong lock on such door, consider replacing it quickly.  

Do you have windows in your garage?

While you’re out getting a garage door for your car, make sure to get blinds or other window coverings for the windows in your garage. This keeps prying eyes from knowing if your car is there when it is not expected.

By closing window shades, you can stop a break-in from occurring. Additionally, covering windows with frosted vinyl window film or even by taping fabric over the windows prevents people from seeing what is inside your house.   


Replace an old garage door

Although you’ve told yourself for a while that you would replace the garage door, each day that your old garage door remains in place is another day it poses a potential risk. There are many reasons you should consider replacing your old garage door. Living in Brampton, we deal with hurricanes and tropical storms all the time. If left up, it can cause even more damage during a storm than it already does.

A new garage door has several benefits. The obvious one is that it looks beautiful and adds value to your home. It is also reinforced, has weather stripping, and safety features. Lastly, a new garage door comes with the added benefit of being equipped with locks. 

Add exterior lights throughout your property

Exterior lighting can be a great way to add home security and peace of mind. It works by illuminating potential entrances, highlighting vulnerable areas in a dark yard. Although options range from simple LED lights to solar powered lights, it’s best to use motion sensing floodlights for added security because they will turn on when anything moves within their sensing field. 

LED lighting and solar panels both provide increased security and make your home more valuable, and these options are becoming increasingly affordable. 

Even though leaving the lights on through the night can help decrease crime, it will cost you more money in electricity bills and may bother your neighbors. Sensor lights are a better option for people of any budget. 

Installing signs in your yard can help prevent break-ins.

Putting up “Beware of Dog” signs can decrease the chance that a burglar will target your house. It does not always seem like they help, but a dog can be useful when you are in an unfamiliar place. 

Call Matrix Locksmith Brampton if your garage or house might need better security. Our professional locksmiths are skilled and offer a variety of services to make your property safer for you and your family.