What is the importance of shed locks?

In addition to bikes for the kids, pool cleaning supplies, motor vehicles, and even boats and gardening tools, many Canadians keep expensive items in their sheds. As they are usually considered to be less secure than the main house and may provide access to the rest of the property if they have an attached door, your shed makes a good target for burglars.

The best way to secure your shed

Because of this, shed locks are important. By following these safety tips, you can ensure the security of your shed, make it less appealing to thieves, and keep your possessions safe.

1. Protect your shed by restricting access

It is important to have a secure gate with dependable locks and a strong fence to prevent people from easily entering your property.

2. Make sure your shed is always locked

When not in use, always lock your outdoor shed because an open, unprotected shed will look inviting to an opportunist thief. You should always lock your shed whenever you leave it unattended for a prolonged period of time, even if you intend to return.

Securing Your Shed

3. Changing old locks

Is your lock damaged or worn out? Maybe it’s time to replace them. Traditional locks are impervious to water and rust, so we suggest a high-quality hasp and padlock. Ensure that the hasp cannot be picked with a screwdriver. You should also choose a padlock with a closed shackle, since these are harder to break with bolt cutters. The most secure way to install a lock is to hire a local, qualified toronto locksmith to do the job for you.

4. Inspect your shed for structural integrity

In the event that you discover any broken windows, rotten door frames, or loose panels, replace them as soon as possible. To prevent thieves from taking your shed’s contents, fill in any gaps or holes in the roof and fence.

5. Make sure the door is locked

If the shed door will not close all the way, fix it. Breaking a door will let in creepy crawlies, furry animals, and bad weather, in addition to burglars.

6. Hinges need to be checked

Ensure that any hinges on doors or other secure containers cannot be easily removed. Coach bolts and non-returnable security screws are your best options.

7. Windows should be checked

In addition to providing fantastic natural lighting, windows can also provide easy access to criminals if they are too big or too low. Consider adding wire mesh as reinforcement to your shed if it has windows.

8. Your shed should be surrounded by plants

Make it difficult for thieves to approach your shed by planting thorny bushes and spiky, prickly plants. In your garden, trim shrubs that have grown too tall so that someone cannot hide behind them.

9. Make Some Noise

The walkways should be graveled to make it easier to hear footsteps approaching.

10. Keep your windows covered

Ensure your valuables are hidden from prying eyes by installing curtains, blinds, or any other window covering. During hot weather, these can also help keep your shed cool.

11. Ladders should be stored away

If you own a multi-story house with access to the upper floors, having a ladder lying around is an invitation to burglary.

12. Your belongings should be organized and secured

Keep your expensive equipment hidden with a cubby system with locks. Tools such as ladders, hammers, and screwdrivers that could be used by burglars should be stored away. All lawn mowers, bicycles, and motorcycles should be chained. Buying a strong lock from a reputable locksmith like Matrix Locksmith in Canada is important, because if the lock isn’t strong enough, it might break, and your belongings may still be stolen.