Protecting your business entails more than simply getting the correct locks for your front entrance; the perimeter Security of your structure is as important.
Any region between your commercial building or store and the fences and walls that surround it is referred to as a perimeter.
Here are some essential points to bear in mind if you’re ready to examine if your current security procedures are sufficient to keep your company safe in Toronto.
What to Consider When Evaluating Perimeter Security:
Is your business area encircled by a wall rather than a fence? If the wall is high enough, this can be a strength. The inside of your home is less apparent the higher your wall is. If the thought of a too high wall makes you feel anxious, a CCTV system can help.
This allows you to keep an eye on your surroundings at all times without exposing yourself to curious eyes. Furthermore, walls provide better protection than gates and fences.
Fencing is a great option in terms of pricing, versatility, and functionality. It’s also excellent if you don’t want to miss out on possible foot traffic or passer-by exposure. If your property is surrounded by fencing, inspect it for integrity and make any required repairs. If the repairs are becoming too costly and damaging the overall condition of the fence, it’s time to replace it. There’s also the option of electrifying the fence if you want to take things a step further.
The next step is to assess any gates that provide access to your commercial premises – how secure are they, and are there any gates that are less visible? Begin by inspecting the gate’s locking mechanism and motor for wear and tear. Is it sturdy enough or does it need to be repaired? If you have other places with pedestrian gates, check sure the padlocks and chains are strong enough to keep intruders out. You might even wish to place video cameras at less apparent gates.
When a facility is vacant, lighting becomes a critical consideration. What kind of perimeter lighting do you have now, and is everything in working order? Is there any part of your property that could use more illumination, such as flood and motion-activated lights? It’s also crucial to ensure that none of your lights interfere with your surveillance footage.
Shrubs and Trees
Shrubs, trees, and plants can improve the aesthetic appeal of your commercial environment. However, if overgrown trees and shrubs are interfering with your security, this might become a problem. Cut down or eliminate any overgrown trees and shrubs that make it easier for burglars to conceal or gain access to your property.
Security Alerts
What happens if your property’s security is breached? Have you been notified? Is there a security firm that responds to an alarm going off? If you already have these processes in place, make sure to test them to ensure everything is working properly. As a deterrent, having security signage outside and around your house is also recommended.
Access Control
Finally, how will people be able to enter and exit your property? Is access controlled, or may everyone come and go as they please? If this is the case, you might wish to consider a camera access control system or perhaps a staffed entrance to deter illegal activities.
Increasing the Security of Your Perimeter
You’ll have a list of what needs to be altered or enhanced after reviewing perimeter security. In an ideal world, you’d fix everything at once, but if you’re on a budget, obtain professional advice on what to prioritize first. Contact Matrix Locksmith at 416-877-9297 for expert guidance and assistance with a commercial security audit.